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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hari2ku bermula seperti biasa... So kali nie nak story2 skit pasal benda2 yg akan JR lalui dalam tempoh2 terdekat nie.... Malas lah rasanya nak buat ni smua tapi itu benda2 wajib untuk menjamin hari depan yg lebih baik. Tak banyak tapi pun cukuplah kalo ada sikit... Banyak juga yang tertanya2, kenapa kebelakangan ni JR mcm sombong. Ulang suara, SOMBONG! Adus!!! Harap2 statements kat bawah nie buat korang paham lah yer ngan situasi  JR skrg...

Kerja, kerja dan kerja.
Kurang dari seminggu, staff tinggal JR, boss n akak sajork. Member sorang yang memang superduper punya backup member dah nak sambung study kat UPSI. So, skrg dia sibuk  dok terkejar sini sana siapkan segala-mala kerja2 dia tuk pendaftaran masuk UPSI. Nak account bank baru, medical check-up lagik, itu dan ini... Bla3.... Dah lah baru2 ni HP dia kena tapau org. Ish3... tu pun masa JR tak turun keje. Rasa bersalah jugak lah. Sebelum ni dia lah yg banyak back up JR masa tempat kerja. Psssst... JR suka ponteng keje. Asal demam skit, pening skit selesema skit mesti tak turun keje. huahahaha....

Training futsal dan bola sepak.
Ni adalah sesuatu yg sememangnya wajib dan memang takda istilah nak quit. Lain lah kalo dah umur JR 70 tahun. Memang banyak kali dah melarikan diri dari training sampai coach pun lali nak bebel kat JR. hahaha....

Start ikut training tuk ambik lesen memandu.
Will be start on next week. 3rd July, Sunday. Bermula dengan ceramah selama 5 jam itu. 5 JAM??? Heh!! Mesti dengar 5 minit je then yg selebihnya buat peta kat atas meja aka. Tidoqqq. Sebelum ni pun memang dah lama plan nak ambik tapi asyik busy sajork mcm JR ni prime minister sajork! Heh! Yer, sebelum ni xda lesen memandu lagi walaupun tahu memandu. Sebelum ni pernah kerja bawa lori 6 dan 8 tan. Tapi tu lori, lain cerita ngan kereta. Ish3.... Apa kena mengena kisah pernah bawa lori ngan nak ambik lesen? Erk!

JR ngan dunia FB nyer.
Buat masa terdekat nie memang akan JARANG masuk FB. Kalo ada pun just to check kalo ada mesej kat inbox or any notifications. Selain tengok profile FB orang2 yg wajib JR lawat sbab nak check kalo ada apa2 update status or blog diorang. Kalo ada yg nak chat tu, boleh je tapi kalo tetiber senyap tu maknanya dah xda org lah tu.

Family issues aka. isu2 rumahtangga.
Nothing special just nak arrange masa yang terbaik tuk family, members dan org2 terdekat.
Mencuba mencari masa2 terluang tuk hang out, kuar jejalan kat mall, tengok wayang, dating(haha..) n such... Tapi tu pun kalo ada movie best lah... Jadi kalo korang nak borak, boleh je antar sms. Jgn risau, JR gerenti balas sms korang jugak.

So, korang jangan lah pikir JR ni sombong yer. Memang setiap manusia tu ada benda yg mereka kejar dalam hidup. JR tak kejar sangat benda2 duniawi nie tapi JR mencuba untuk mengusahakan peningkatan dalam kehidupan JR. Yang lain tu, JR minta maaf kalo ada yang terasa hati kerana memikirkan yg JR ni sengaja tak ambil kisah. Oh,  tidak sama sekali.

So, sampai sini saja dulu post tuk kali nie. Sekian, harap maklum.

Tribute to 667 n 197.

Salam sayang,
JRP aka. JR

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio 

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written." 

Her odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone...
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. 
Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it..
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present..
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry..
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks..
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you, really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. 
But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. 
Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple..
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone, everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift" 

A very3 interesting lessons of life. 
And I love it very much.
I'm happy for I am now.
I'm happy to have caring person around me.
And again. Thanks for everything.
Especially to Boeing 667 n Boeing 197.
And my Bulldozer 287.

Much love,
JRP aka. JR

Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok2.. post kali ni just nak story2 skit pasal lagi satu trip aka. private holiday tuk menemankan member yg turun dari KL.. 
So, cuti kali nie, JR ngan 2 org lagi member pergi ke Pulau Manukan untuk happy hour.. 
(tak, sebenarnya temankan gedik sekor tu.. buahahaha)

Ni lah pelancong dari seberang yg dimaksudkan itu..
Mr. Gedhik (Shah Reezal)

So, yg kat bawa tu korang scroll-down tengok2 jelah yer.. 
Malas plak nak taip2 kali nie.. 
Kang korang kata JR membebel ntah apa2 plak.. hahaha...

Sesi bergedik. Wajib! hahaha..

Sib baik tak terkencing2 cameraman 2 ekor tu... hahaha...

Emo kah? har har har

Ok2, kat bawah ni sikit2 lah gambar2 febret JR.. 
Yes, yg telah siap edit yer..

Ni dia kanak2 Ribena dengan senyuman kenang2an nyer...

So, itu saja post kali nie.. malas skit nak bebel. 
Sorry lah yer.. lain kali JR bebel2 panjang plak...

Salam sayang tuk smua,
JRP aka. JR

Saturday, June 5, 2010


               So, here's a new story to share with u guys. I mean to bla3ing with. Hahaha... Not really a good story but yeah, it might be good to read it while ure boring! Its started with a boring day.Yesterday I mean. As usual. Gone for work. Not really working dat day. Not as busy as I always used to. I did sms-ing to all my most beloved persons but I dont think they'll give me a respond as my sms are not really send! Its just being saved to the Draft folder. Holy crap! My fon not really tingtong oso bcoz there's still a lot of credits. So, I'm really3 tuuuuut dat day waiting for a reply. Then, I started to think like, they might be busy or something. Bla3..... But really not happy with it. 

             That's what happened in the mornin'. So this is what happened in the evening. I dun really havin' my lunch that day. Until its time for me to go home. My boss gimme a ride to the bus station as it is pretty far enough from my working place. Plus, we hit the same road. I took my 2nd bus and reached home a bit late. Not really that late. You know what I mean. Yeah, the one that makes ur coach spread his air liur to your face aka membebel. Then I play a football. Yeah, I was playing a football. My body was there but my mind was empty. Dunno why. Suddenly I feel like I'm missing peoples. So, I made my mind to go out from the field. Coz I dun seem to funtion wel there. hahaha... Sitting outside. Grab the phone and put it back. Again, again and again. Trying to make sure if there's an sms. Too bad, None. 
But, I've made a new frenz but just thru the fon. Sure a nice person with a sentimental heart. Full with emotional thang. Straight forward yet funny. One of the kind that I like. Hahahaha....

             Finished with the football training. Mcmlah aku concentrate ngan training kan! Guess its not my day. Reached home and still sms-ing. So, i'm off for a bath. Then the fon was ringing and I'm not there. Its was like, Me with my bath, and the fon on my room. 2 different places. Yet pretty far enough to hear the buzzing...  Heh!  I'm really sorry about that. So, I tried to call back. No answer. I mean, the fon was hung-off as soon after I call in. Mrajuk kot?? Call again for many times. Still, same result. Why? Dunno. Then Jr pun tertidoq tanpa sedar diri. Suddenly, JR terbangun mcm zombie. Jam pukul 11.20pm kalo tak silap. Goin' to toilet sambil gosok2 mata.  My head was really empty that time. I just dunno why. 1st thing I do is grabbed the fon. But theres no sms. Got 2 miscalls. Public fon number. Dunno whose number is dat.. Tryin' to go back for sleep. Nope, I just cant coz the eyes wont shut. So here I am. Online.

              I'm online-ing. I found Ash. He's online by dat time. My all time fave bro. A nice man. He's always around while I'm in bad situation. He never disappoint me. Never. And I'm feel so blessed to always have him around. Thanks so much Ash. Millions thanks for ya'. And something caught my attention after that. Been chat with my ex-schoolmate. Its been 5 or 6 years we didn't really meet. So, here we're, having chat thru FB. He's not really the same as before. I mean dia dah besar panjang kan n dah tak mcm dulu. Like he used to be before. 

             So, here's the issue. Should or should not a grown-up adult that try to act like a professional(dunno in what way) kind of person must not have the sense of humor? I dunno, maybe he's the one who been acting weird or ego or something. Its a long story, but yeah I dun think dat I shud telling every single detail about it here. As I  respect other person's privacy. But I'll stick with my point that eventho how hard you try to act like an adults, you should also know how to make a jokes. A simple jokes is an OK. Simple jokes is enough ordy. But, tell me what happen when two old friends just meet up and having a chat? Should you act like you're ordy Super Professional by not taking consider of making this long-lost-friends conversation as a good, quality and really entertainment conversation? Or you're still prefer with you Super Professional act instead of enjoying the chat like the old way. I mean like the way you used to know them before. The one that make us laugh and smile together. So, I wont pretend that I'm really enjoy having a chat with them eventho youve been acting like crap. Yes, you read it right. Seriously, just stop it dude coz u dun really suit with that kinda attitude.

                And I guess, being yourself is much better than youre trying to be what youre not. Changing is a good start for new life, but changing doesnt mean you have to forget the way you used to before. Anyway, its just a simple matters, it wont change anything on me. Coz I will stay the same guy as before. Not a pretender, not a great liar and not an actor. I am what I am and I'm happy for not pretending anything. And remember that making a jokes doesnt means youre acting like childish. Its sometimes give a relief to other. You might not see it but peoples can see it clearly what type of person you might be. So, there you go, u choose your life and I'll respect that as an old-lost-friend. Hugs.

Much love,
JRP aka. JR

Thursday, June 3, 2010


          As we all already know that on the last 30th-31st of May is a holiday for Kaamatan. Its on Monday!!! Happy Kaamatan for those who celebrate it and also to all Malaysian since we're all One Malaysian kan!!!.. hahaha... So, we've organized some small reunion, so-call, by going out to together to Centre Point, KK.

          According to what we've planned, the first event is to ambush the cinema to watch for a movie. So, we're enjoy watching for The Prince of Persia : The Sand of Time . The movie is superb. Full with action. And my favourite, the special effects. Really worth-it to spent your money for it. Berbaloi-baloi!!

Rafie , Dady , Olivia , Rohana , Shazrie and Hafie.

Rafie singing his Rossa song. Rossa??? hahaha...

I've been cheated!!!! 
They said we're all must wear a short pants. 
But they're not. 
My bulu kaki is freezing already by that time.
Nanak got the mantap voice!!!

The 6 of ex-5 Cemerlang students. 
Really miss that student life.

          Mesmerized with the movie and we're heading for our late lunch. Had some chat during the lunch... its tea time ordy. I guess.  Done with eat thang' and we're continue with our karaoke sessions. This is one of my all-time favorite session. Sung couple of songs which is good to singing together eventho' some of the members are little bit shy2... 
Aiyooo... bukan tak kenal smua pun... Smua kawan jugak.... **Dush Dush..

          So, the day ended. 
Really having fun to be together again.
Since some of us didn't meet for almost 6 years. 6 years?? heh! 
Where all the years gone? haha...
Thanks for the quality time.
I will remember all the jokes.
The smiles.
The laughter.
And the fun time together.
Sure, we'll meet again some-more time.

Much love from,
JRP aka. JR



         Terlalu banyak benda yang JR suka dalam hidup. Selain melihat bintang di waktu malam. Melihat awan berarak juga salah satu hobi atau kesukaan JR. JR sukakan awan. Sangat suka. Gambar-gambar di bawah ini diambil sewaktu dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah selepas selesai dengan latihan bola sepak. Bukanlah sesuatu yang istimewa kerana gambar ini diambil menggunakan kamera telefon bimbit. Tetapi memang berbaloi untuk berkongsi sesuatu yang sememangnya indah yang JR sukai. Sesuatu yang jarang boleh diungkapkan dengan kata-kata melainkan melihatnya dan tersenyum dalam ketenangan.

Apakah yang mungkin tersembunyi dibalik sana.
Segalanya sangat indah. Sangat indah.
Dan hatiku tersenyum lebar.
Hatiku tenang dan damai.
Hilang segala masalah dunia.
Hilang segala duka lara yang selalu membelenggu.

Lihatlah dunia.
Senyumlah tanpa teragak-agak.
Kerana kita takkan mungkin pernah merasa kekurangan.
Bahkan, dunia pasti meyajikan kita dengan ketenangan.
Keindahannya yang sememangnya tiada tolok bandingan.

          Masih banyak benda yang belum kita terokai dalam hidup. Segala sesuatu yang diciptakan olehNya sangatlah sukar digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Dari itu sentiasalah bersyukur dengan setiap pemberian dan kurnian yang kita ada. Percayalah, hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk kita pertikaikan segala kelemahan dan kekurangan yang ada. Terima seadanya dan besyukurlah tanpa menginginkan yang lebih. 

"Apapun yang terjadi, berjalanlah tanpa henti"

Sekian saja untuk kali ini,
JRP aka. JR

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SUDAH MEMADAI (Versi Separa Emo)

          Liburan beberapa hari membuat aku benar2 merasakan ingin mengenali diri aku dengan lebih dekat dan lebih mendalam. Sesalku pada hidup yang sudah2 buat aku lebih tabah hari ini. Mengetahui sesuatu itu kadang ada baiknya. Walau sakit itu berterusan tapi harus aku telan jua. Sumpahku takkan menoleh lagi pada saat lama aku mengenali dunia. Setiaku pada janji dikedepan hari  harus tetap aku laksanakan. Kemanisan dunia adalah sesuatu yang terindah tapi tidaklah kekal. Ianya tetap sama dan tidak berubah melainkan adanya variasi2 yang sendiri aku ciptakan. Aku harus relakan senyuman itu. Yah. Haruslah aku relakan ia. 

         Tapi sadarlah aku bukan insan sempurna. Kelak ada masanya tetap aku beralih mendung. Saat suka riang gembira kian pudar dan tawa dalam tangisan itu pasti akan hadir. Aku tahu seharusnya aku tidak begitu. Bukan jenisku menjadi Sang Pengemis Harapan. Tapi kata hati harus aku kotakan. Kerana janjiku pada kotak hati bukan hanya satu janji semata-mata. Ianya bagaikan harapan besar untuk dikedepan hari-hariku. Langkahku takkan terhenti dan senyumku takkan sumbang lagi. Akan aku cuba sedaya upayaku mewujudkan hari-hari bahagia itu. Aku ada kebahagian itu. Dan akan tetap ada kerana aku ada insan-insan yang cukup indah diberikan olehNya. Dan bersyukur aku tidak terhingga pada itu semua. 

         Untuk insan-insan yang menyayangi diri ini, terima kasih buat segalanya. Terima kasih buat sedikit cerita dalam isi hidupku yang kau berikan. Sesunggunya itu sudah memadai.


Salam sayang,
JRP aka. JR