cover pic

Monday, February 28, 2011


              Its Sunday!!! Malas2an segala bagai... lepas habis latihan memandu trus balik dan mandi, makan and bertolak pergi KK. Dalam planning tu nak pegi tengok wayang je.. tapi memandangkan movie start jam 2pm so kitorang main bowling lah dulu..

MIAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~ (ketawa muka tak malu)

 Yer, sya memang hebat buat bising, hehe

Friday, February 25, 2011


                Malas nak crita panjang2 so sya direct to the point je. Post ni memang tak lain untuk kau (anonymous). Melihat dari komen2 kamu yang sebelumnya, jelas menampakkan bertapa riaknya kamu akan kebenaran yang sudah ada didepan mata. Persoalan sengaja kau tujukan walau sudah jelas. Tapi kamu lupa akan hal2 lain yang perlu kamu pikirkan. Kadang kala benda yang nyata itu ada sebab tersembunyinya dan tidak sama seperti pada kelihatannya. Tapi memandangkan keriakkan kamu mengambil ringan benda ini membuatkan aku rasa mcm tengah berkomunikasi dengan budak2. Kamu lupa akan kesan dan akibat kepada tindakan kamu. Mungkin ia tidak memberi apa2 kepada diri kamu. Tetapi ia hanya akan memburukkan lagi keadaan. Adakah 146706 menghantar kamu untuk menjadi pengantara bagi dirinya?? Tentu tidak sama sekali.

               Disini saya mengutuskan kata damai memandangkan kamu mengelar saya penakut walaupun pada dasarnya saya harus memikirkan tentang 'sebab' dan 'akibat' yang perlu saya tanggung kesan daripada tindakan kamu. Ingat, tindakan kamu yang demikian tidak akan membantu sama sekali melainkan menambah keruh lagi keadaan rumahtangga mereka sekiranya sya juga mengambil jalan ego yg sama seperti kamu. Ada baiknya perbualan secara baik dan bijaksana dilakukan. 

1) Saya bukan penakut cuma kamu tu yang beria2 menunjukkan keterujaan kamu. Harap  kamu sihat2 saja dan tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah.
2) Please. I'm not your 'Dear'.
3) Sya memang suka terima hakikat. Jadi secret admire. Bukan jadi stalker mcm kamu.

                Dengan itu disini saya akan mewakilkan diri untuk memberi maklumat terperinci tentang apa yang kamu ingin tahu. Memandangkan kamu lebih selesa menyembunyikan identiti, jadi sya terpaksa memilih jalan terbaik dengan menyertakan email saya kepada kamu bagi memudahkan penyampaian secara terus mesej2 yang perlu, sesuai mengikut keinginan kamu. Tapi satu pesan saya, berhenti berlagak. Since kamu nie berlagak hebat, kenapa tidak kamu guna akaun sendiri untuk add saya kat FB? Berhenti jadi kaki skodeng. Tunjuk muka yang berlagak kata org penakut tu. Kalo tak berani just hantarkan saja persoalan2 ke email ini.

                Untuk Ash, I really appreciate what u've thought me for what shud I do and what shud I'm not. Yeah, its not a time to be running and leave the guts behind. I wish to stand. Dun care in wat way but i'll go for the one with the lower risk. Being a stalker is very painful. I rather be a secret admire as long as it stay in a safe zone. Hugs!

Jgn lagak lebih, tapi sembunyi2.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



             I still remember how I adore this teacher so much when I was at my school-age. My super-duper fav teacher. Paling jarang marah2 antara cikgu2 lain. Its like she never marah2 pun I guess. (unless for those who got lowest mark.. of coz she'll bla3 a bit. hehe..) She's like a close big sister to me dat time. I guess u know how's it feel to be close to someone u like the most. I still remember when we got an English test where which-ever group get the highest mark for the test will win and dia akan bawa kuar jalan2. Guess what, my team got the first place. But the grand  title goes to the late Diana Rafiqah Syamsu Rizal. I tell u people dat this women(Diana) is no ordinary woman. She's not so normal(physical) like other people do but she got a very2 sharp brain a thunder-alike tongue.  Of coz I got jealous with her. Very3 jealous. I wish I can be more better than her. But, the 'big-guy up there love her more. May her soul RIP. And I admit dat I adore her too. Well but this time, I wanna share with u people out there, the stalker who bein' stalking2 my blog, then lover, the loser or whatsoever people are you, lets enjoy reading this note. Its from my all-time-fav teacher. 

by Audrey Wiles on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 1:22am
Add her at this link ------------------> Audrey Wiles

Certainty in Uncertainty

                  Those of you out there who've just passed another milestone in your life, i.e. your SPM or STPM results have just been announced, well all I can say is that there is certainty in uncertainty. What exactly does that mean, I hear you ask silently.
                  A famous saying states that there is nothing constant in this lifetime except the inconsistent. That the only predictable thing about life is that it is highly unpredictable. We may assume we know what will happen in the next chapter but let me tell you that Fate has many tricks up her sleeve.   
                  If you're jumping for joy now, and you can see your future roll out in front of you like a red carpet, then all is well and fine. You'll strive ahead confidently, taking each stride at ease, making your way to the graduation stage with your robe flowing against the carefree breeze. You'll get to wear that symbolic mortar and hold that precious scroll in your hands, proof of all the toil and sweat that you've poured into your dream. Then one fine day after that, you might walk down the aisle and tie the knot with the partner of your dreams.. and you'll be blessed with children, a great career and a blissful life.   
                  BUT if you didn't get the results you prayed and hoped for, and you feel somewhat lost right now - well, let me tell you this. It's ok to not know. It's not a crime to not be able to figure out where the path of life will lead you from here. And it's more than fine to feel insecure because at the end of the day, we're only human; driven by the tides of our emotions - one minute happy, the next sad.. and the whole kaleidoscope of feelings from pleasure to fear that we often can't control.
                  Does the exam result determine your whole future? In some ways, yes. But the main determinant factor is YOU yourself. If you're uncertain about your future, unsure about what to do now and don't know how you will cope; all I can say is that you should embrace the unknown. We should rejoice in the fact that we CANNOT predict the future, only the creator can do that. We cannot expect to know how the chapters in our life will unfurl and more importantly, we SHOULDN'T know because what would be the joy in life if we knew every single thing that would happen to us? Life is great because it is so unpredictable, so unforeseen.    

             Okay, so now you agree with me that we know for certain that life is uncertain. So what now? Well now, you deal with the 'certain' aspects of your life, aspects which you have the power to control. In your own life there are many variables like if you get a scholarship or not, if you can find a boyfriend or girlfriend or not, if you can get rich or not. But if you look closely, there are also many constants. And these constants stem from your own personality and outlook on life. We can't control the uncertain aspects of life, but we can deal with making ourselves a better person so that we can bravely face the many challenges and barriers that we are bound to slam into.   
                  What are these constants I'm talking about? Well first up is your personality. Adopt a positive attitude. Believe in yourself because if you don't, people will read the negative vibes and believe that you are not worth believing. If you have confidence issues, now is the time to say: "To hell with what people think, I will do the best that I can at the best of my ability." The door of opportunity will open to those who are confident enough to reach out and pull the doorknob. Not those who don't believe in themselves enough to make the first move. I can tell you to do it, but at the end of the day, only you can command yourself to make that change. So change. Believe in yourself, believe that the impossible is possible.
                  Next is to arm yourself with knowledge. Do you know why Madonna is so famous? Because every new single she comes up with shows a different version of her. And you can tell that she's done her homework, put in the time and effort in learning something new all the time. If you go through life thinking that you know everything there is to know, then you've shot yourself in the foot and this journey will be short and pointless. But if you tell yourself, make a conscious effort to learn new things all the time, or learn old things again but in new ways, then you're changing yourself for the better all the time. You're evolving in a dynamic way and this will bring you a measure of success and contentment. Thus, you have to make a concerted effort to learn a new skill, go for courses and  conferences, and experience new things that you would NOT normally do. Like bungee jumping. Or simply learning to type with all ten fingers. When your heart is open to learning, you'll realize that knowledge is power. Believe me, it empowers you like nothing else in this world can. 
                  So Step 1 was to believe in yourself and Step 2 was to embrace all forms of knowledge. So what is the third constant that we have the power to control? Well Step 3 is simply sharing, to share what we have gained in this lifetime. It seems like such a simple concept, but trust me, not many people can master it. Why don't people share their knowledge or share their ideas freely? Because they are afraid of being judged. Remember that it is not our duty to judge others, only the one above has that right. So set this worry aside, and make a conscious effort to share everything you can (not your spouse though!!!). If you believe in yourself, inspire others to do the same. If you've learnt something new, plant the seeds of knowledge in another so he may nurture it and watch the flower of enlightenment bloom in all its glory. If you can change one person, and that person can change another.. before you know it, you've touched the lives of millions. You've made this world a better place.
                  Right, what a long winded way to tell you that even if life is uncertain, you can be certain of success if you change yourself first. Change is good; change is inevitable which means that you cannot avoid it. If you fail to move forward, you're not standing motionless but you're actually moving backwards as the tide of humanity surges ahead and leaves you behind. Do you want to be left behind? Of course not. So embrace the unpredictability of life, make as many aspects of your life predictable, and I predict that wherever the roads in your life diverges, you'll end up taking the road you're meant to travel. And in the words of Robert Frost, that, my dear, will make all the difference.   

With all my love,  22 Feb 2011

Much love, Go away bad-luck.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


                 I just like to read for comics. Believe or not, sometimes comic isn't just not a comic. For those who think dat comic makes ur brain cells dead (especially teacher yg dari kecik mcm x penah baca komik. Belagak. haha..). NO!!! Thats just wrong. As writen down in the book.. "There's always something for everything."  Well I agreed with dat one. And some goes to the rest of the nice words contained in this book. Well, as I said dat its not just a plain comic book. I could makes you laugh for a jokes, sad n true story,  impress for some adrenaline pumping scene like fighting, running etc. (walaupun nampak nonsense. Biasalah, komik.. hehe...)

               So, I'll keep looking forward for such comic book like this. The one dat full with nice words not just a plain comic books to crack some jokes semata2 saja. So, here's some quotes in the book dat really2 makes me think its awesome. 

This is the book. 
Cover mcm ganas tapi ayat dalam smua terkandung nota2
serta ayat terbaik yang boleh dijadikan teladan dalam hidup.
Cuma bergantung samaada ingin menerima atau tidak.
UNDER 18 : Diari Sivik Yosi.

Quote 1 : 
"Perpisahan adalah kepastian setiap pertemuan"
( Pretty agreed with dat. erm.. )

Quote 2 : 
"Tidak semua kebahagiaan dapat dikongsi bersama"
( Kan! )

Quote 3 : 
"Life without rules is nonsense"
Ermm.. sorry?? (Its kinda hard for me to digest this one. Degil!!)

Quote 5 : 
"Ada rahsia disebalik rahsia. 
Setiap rahsia meutup rahsia yang lain. 
Rahsia yang tidak pernah selamat."
(Nice one)

Quote 6 : 
"Berdikari adalah langkah2 menjadi dewasa.
Adakah bersendirian juga langkah2 menjadi dewasa?"
(Its always depend for the situation rasanya... Still unpredictable.)

Quote 7 : 
"Yakini masa depan @ Faith For Future (3F)"
(I wish I do..)
Quote 8 : 
"Everyone Has Potential"
 (Yes, of corz)

Quote 9 : 
"Keberanian adalah melakukan perkara benar,
yang si pengecut katakan salah"
(Berani bersebab ada baiknya, depend)

Quote 10 : 
"Untuk menikmati sesuatu yang bagus, pasti ada pengorbanannya"

Quote 11 : 
"Setiap sesuatu dimuka bumi ini dijadikan serba 
saling bertindak balas antara satu sama lain. 
Biarpun tindak balasnya seakan sama namun ianya tetap berbeza. 
Sebagai contoh, mungkin takdir itu sama tapi situasinya berbeza"
 (Cuba sesekali untuk terima kenyataan)

Quote 12 : 
"Nampaknya tidak kira seganas mana seseorang itu, 
ada juga titik kelemahannya untuk berlembut"
 (Dalam hati ada taman?? erk..)

Quote 13 : 
"Kenapa hidup ini selalu dipaksa dan terpaksa?"
(Supaya wujud sebab dan akibat.)

Quote 14 : 
"Dendam itu menyakitkan.."
(silent killer?)

Quote 15 : 
"Keberanian juga ada hadnya"
 (Berani bertempat ada baiknya)

Quote 16 : 
"Perlukah menapak dilorong kehidupan jika tidak pasti destinasi yang dituju?"
 (U decide what best 4 ur life)

Quote 17 : 
"Crazy world for mental"
(Dunia ini hanya untuk org yg nak hidup sahaja. 
Orang yang hidup tapi hatinya mati pasti menyusahkan org lain. )

Quote 18 : 
"Wira ingin dicintai atas kelemahannya, bukan kerana kehebatannya."
(Erkk.. ni bunyik mcm mamat jiwang je? haha) 

Quote 19 : 
"Namun sebagaimana idea gila apabila ianya terlaksana tidaklah 
segila yang difikir sewaktu pertama kali mendengarnya"
(Wish there's Dejavu for me)

Quote 20 : 
"Didiklah kerana anda sayang, Bukan kerana anda marah"
(Baik cikgu!)

Quote 21 : 
"Biarpun masih ada cinta, biarlah masa yang buktikan kesungguhannya"
(Silent is the best cure)

Quote 22 : 
"Keseronokan sejati ialah saat menikmati sesuatu dengan akibat yang pasti."
(Agreed! Adrenalin pumpin' gitu!)

Quote 23 : 
"Cinta boleh membuatkan yang normal menjadi tidak normal,
yang abnormal menjadi tidak normal"
 (aiyooo~~ haha.. true tho.. )

Quote 24 : 
"Usia adalah apa yang terkandung diminda, Bukan lilin diatas kek"
(Muda pada jiwanya)
Quote 25 : 
"Aku tidak mahu diingatkan bila aku lahir, aku mahu diingatkan yang aku akan mati"
(Beringat sebelum terlambat?)

Quote 26 : 
"Menerima itu lebih mudah daripada memberi"
(Hahaha.. betul3. Yg penting ikhlas.)

Quote 27 : 
"Setiap persahabatan memerlukan saat2 manis di scenario 
yang mampu dinikmati bersama dalam senang dan duka."
(Itu sahabat sehidup semati. But some dun really believe in such.)

Quote 28 : 
"Jika kita yakin, tidak putus asa, pasti ada jalannya"
(Keinginan mana yang tiada penyudah?)

Quote 29 : 
"Cinta tak pernah terpisah dengan manusia
sebab ia bakteria semulajadi dalam sistem immunisasi manusia."
(I like this one. Penyakit semulajadi?)

Quote 30 : 
"Segalanya untuk lindungi diri demi melindungi mereka"
(Segalanya bersama)

Quote 31 : 
"Biar apapun keadaan, selesaikan masalah dengan cara aman 
damai agar tidak timbul sebarang prasangka.
Kemarahan dan sifat dengki hanya akan mempengaruhi keputusan yang salah."
(Mengalah juga satu caranya.)

Quote 32 : 
"Kadangkala yang terbaik untuk orang lain mungkin tidak untuk kita. 
 Kerana kebahagiaan itu di tangan kita sendiri"
(Choose one way, makes everyone happy.)

 This is just nice.
Love for everyone.

Always be thanks,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"wei...kalo berani ko cakap sapa 146706??????.... 
Jgn nak main2 ngan aku..ko gelak la nak gelak.. Aku peduli hapa...jgn nak selindung disebalik no ni... Bukan ko cipta secara rawak.. tp mmg no ni pada sesorng....sbb ko xbleh nak terima kenyataan y dia org punya,ko cakap la cam ko takut diri ko malu..."

               Aku dapat komen nie.. Aku sure dia ni ada masalah sebenarnya.. dia tak kenal aku... tapi dia ckap mcm lebih dari kenal aku... Serious meremang bulu tengkuk aku baca komen dia.. Siap berbaur ugutan tu.. Rasanya org yg dah lama kenal aku je yg tau aku slalu guna nombor2 tu tuk tukarkan huruf2 dari nama diorang.. tapi kali nie aku heran.. napa dia ni bengang tak pasal2... tapi sure dia nie mesti pompuan... tengok lah cara dia bagi komen.. bersahaja melalut dalam sindiran bermaksud cacian... erm...

              Tapi serius wei.. kalo ko baca post nie.. harap ko jgn lah speku2 tak pasal2 kalo ko tak tau hujung pangkal cite.. ckap elok sudah lah.. kang ko salah ko jugak yg malu... tak kisah lah ko nak malu ke tak. Dah lah suka main tembak2 je meneka pastu suruh aku mengaku plak nama gf aku.. apa dia tu adik ko ke? Aku penah buat dajal ke kat dia? cuba jawab...

Kepala pusing,


               Post kali nie saja nak bagitau.. JR agak terkejut jugak apabila ada daripada pembaca blog JR yg secara tiba2 mengamuk tak pasal2..  Itu smua hanya sebab satu nombor yg JR post this lately..

JR tak pasti apa maksud nombor nie pada dia sehingga dia mengeluarkan kata2 yg tidak sepatutnya.. ingin tergelak juga bila melihat2 post2 komen yg tiba2 dia lancarkan keatas JR. 

Cuba bagitau apa salah JR sebelum nak ckap bukan2.. (confident sungguh dia tu...) Kenapa marah JR sebabkan nombor rambang dari abjad2 yg JR saja wujudkan tu?

ASH = 198 
ANNE = 1445
JOANNE = 051445 (opssssss.... hehe)
begitu juga dengan 146706.
             Lain kali kan ada baiknya bertanya dulu sebelum mengeluarkan kata2 yg tidak sepatutnya?Ni tak pasal2 buat JR gelak.. JR nak gelak lah.. yelah.. tertiber takda ribut takda hujan kene komen tak semena2 mcm tu.. Sangat2 tak patut ok..  Lagi lah JR tak tau apa motif dia ckap JR mcm tu.. Ada satu komen tu buat JR gelak sampai nak pecah perut..  Ada baiknya kita tak speku2 tak tentu pasal...

Ni hah komen dia...  yg 2nd comment tu lagi lah tak bleh blah... dan2 je dia menembak.. 
**jom gelak ramai2..

               Jadi lepas nie jgn lah suka main komen menyerang tak pasal2... kang silap org sure malu woo...
btw, 146706 hati2 kat Labuan tu yer... jgn sampai kene ragut mat rempit... hehe


Sunday, February 20, 2011


Takda apa sangat pun post kali nie.. But this is my first time pakai baju kaler pink..
Dulu of coz lah kata tanak2 bagai sbab mind tu dah set.. "Pink for girls" and "Pink is so girlish."
Ade lah pergi supermarket tadi lepas balik dari latihan memandu tu..
Actualy baju nie dah lama dah nampak tapi mcm nak tanak je pakai baju kaler pink..
At last, why not JR cuba.. tak rugi apa2 pun..
Manalah tau bila pakai baju kaler pink saham makin melambung2 (perasan jap.. bleh?)
Ok lah.. actualy saja je nak tunjuk perasan hensem kat korang.. 

(Gelak sambil keletek diri sendiri.. very the gedik!!)

Dah2.. pi cuci pinggan mangkuk tu... jgn dok online je tau...
ni nak gi main bola jap.. babai!

I miss u 146706,


              So this is another stupid experience yg dah lama JR tak perasan.. And the story goes like this.. dah lama jr keje kat tempat baru tu tapi baru harini perasan.. tu pun sbab Abg Bear yang tegur masa dia datang tempat JR keje aritu..

              Ikut perundingan dgn boss, JR suppose masuk keje jam 10am then balik jam 10pm.. So dalam masa beberapa bulan tu JR keje lah ikut jam yg boss belikan tu.  Ada lah jam dinding yg digantung atas pintu office. Dia kata ikut jam tu so JR pun set lah fon dan jam tangan ikut jam dinding tu. Masuk mcm biasa tapi kadang2 boss muka kerut2, then jr jadi heran.  Setiap hari pulang jam 1opm tapi bila sampai umah dah jam 12pm.. memang tak perasan...  kadang2 pulang jam 2am or 3am jugak kalo ada program. 

              Until boss tu ckap, "Datang awal lah.. balik2 masuk lambat.." so dalam hati JR of coz lah heran tahap gaban.. datang on time pun kena marah.. so benda tu berlarutan hingga 2 minggu lepas barulah JR perasan mengapa boss muka seposen je kalo JR datng keje pepagi.. Kadang siap call kalo dia tak sempat turun kedai jenguk.

              Hinggalah last week kalo tak silap.. Abg Bear ada lah datang kedai.. nak hantar komputer... So, petang tu JR kene rushing pegi Ranau sbab ada family reunion skit untuk kenduri arwah pakcik JR. JR suruh lah Abg Bear ambil JR before jam 4pm sbab bas around 4.30pm to 5pm camtu..  Jam kat dinding tu masih jam 3pm.. Awal lagi tu. (kononnya) Pastu tetiba Abg Bear datang.. terkejut bila dia kata "Kenapa tak bersiap lagi? Kata nak gerak awal..". So, JR pun ngan selamba lah kata rilek dulu sbab masih awal... Abg Bear kata "Awal mendenyer? dah nak dekat jam 4pm dah nie..",  So jr tunjuk lah jam kat dinding tu ngan CONFIDENT nyer... Tup tup.. Habis abg Bear mengomel kata jam tu lambat sejam rupanya... arghhh.... so petang tu tak jadi ikut pegi Ranau. Tiket bas of coz lah burned!!!! menchik!

               So no wonder lah knapa boss muka pacak muka seposen tiap pagi.. rupanya jam tu lambat sejam.. JR masuk jam 10am ikut masa jam dinding tu.. tapi masa sebenar dah 11am. Begitu jugak tiap2 malam JR balik lambat.. ingatkan jam 10pm padahal dah jam 11pm.. bengong!!! tak pasal keje lebih jam. 

Hari Isnin tu jugak JR tukar timing jam tu. bodoh. Penat tau balik keje lewat2 malam. Lemas dan lemah longlai sangat2.

Oklah, nak beradu ke alam kayangan jap. Besok ada test lesen. Harap2 lulus. Amen.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Not just a words
It's a message
A simple way
To live with no regret
So,  make life easy
Make urself happy

**but i'm not
As it says, "Its just a words"


As usual. Malam tadi tido dekat2 ngan 1am then woke up as early as 5am today. *fcuk! But last nite sampai umah earlier then usual, 10.15pm. Slalunya jam 11, 12 or paling lewat 2 or 3 (am).  Memandangkan semalam balik awal so I finished all the chores jelah.. baju2 yg dah sehari dua rendam dah siap basuh smalam.. kasut2 n baju2 Nike tu.. harta tak ternilai aku tu... barang kesayangan aku! Tapi spinner mesin basuh tu plak buat hal... so I have to do using the tradisional way lah of coz.. perah sampai lebam tangan.. erm..

And after dat continue with the online thang.. surf a couples website n of coz FB. Found not much there.. Just couples of mesej kat inbox n some notification of tagged pic n groups bla3-ing... But the one dat I hope so much to get tak dapat plak.. erm.. nvm... harap2 dia sehat2 saja... tapi dia mcm dingin saja kebelakangan nie.. sbab aku busy ngan keje ke? dunno lah.. kalo tanya kang dia stress kalo tak tanya aku plak yg makan hati merindu2 bagai.. arghh...

And this 3Stooges ni plak slalu nampak online tapi yg sorang tu jarang sbab still tak berapa sihat lah tu.. sian dia..

To 198, 7816 n 667.. wish u guys were happy always. Moga cepat sembuh to 667.
1010 - busukk.. gi mandi lah wei.. buahahaha~

Much love,

Friday, February 18, 2011


I've waited for you.
To greet me with ur nice words.
Show me with ur cute smile.
The one dat makes me happy.
 But is there love for me?
Tell me..

 Missing u,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


               At this moment I just dunno wat to say..  how to react or how to handle this whole thang nicely.. I think dat I cant handle myself well.. mentally but not physically. So, I'll just go with the flow. I cant stop thinking.  I miss em' very damn much.. And I dunno wat to do.. but still I cant wait for dat moment. The time dat will surely makes me happy. Yes. Very damn happy.  But now, to be left alone without any news for you is very2 torturing me damn bad. Its like I'm wishing dat I'm dead ordy... fcuk dat. So here I am, as usual.... duh!! Keep on tracking.. being a stalker... just wish that they're here and there a bit.. lazy to sent some inbox when u cant see no reply pun.. its ok.. I can get used to it..

                And now, I really5 wish you're here...  but I hope dat u're happy out there... I know its wrong but I just cant help myself... Its hardly to say dat we're still fine like before... cuz I can't see nice chat between us... hardly to get all the manja2 thang... hardly to get a sms like everyday just like we used to before... erm... anyway.. thanks for the love hun. There's always love for you. Missing u badly.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So pada tarikh yg tertera diatas tu means dah genap dua bulan JR tak kuar gi mana2 especially to KK tuk jalan2.. itu bukan kebiasaan JR sebab sesekali JR akan kuar gi KK tuk tengok wayang, karok .. beli barang yg dah lama survey ke and of coz tuk suka2 saja...
Tambahan lagi sebelum nie sibuk bergerak ulang-alik KK-Ranau atas urusan pakcik JR tu... But then, it's all for my sister oso so no regret I guess.
Much eternity love for you sis.
~ In Loving memory of Sherrie Rose ~
May her soul rest in peace. 

Ni gambar kat bawah nie smua adalah gambar2 terpilih saja tuk post gedik2.. (lepas makan n santai2 jap) yg lain tu ada jugak cuma akan diupload sekali untuk post yg lain. Yang lebih kepada post2 serius skit. 


Hail yeah!

Yah.. kamu lah...

Kemut! haha..

Erm.. ingat sapa lagi? kalau bukan org Limbang? huwaaaa~~

Dah2 lah tu.. gi ganti wat keje plak.. wei..

Masih lagi menung? menggong.

Cocok sini... toink!

Cover perut eh?

Double cocok?

Gedik.. begambo je keje.. pweek..

Mak aih.. mcm cover majalah Hero sajork.. **heh! prasan!!

So the last is my fav pic.. **tak prasan jugak yg JR ni hensem...
(sila jgn jeles yer... muahahahahaha~~~)

Dats all for this post. Nanti update lagi yer... sibuk keje nie...
Nak struggle bulan nie sbab banyak yg nak disettlekan nie.. 
and of coz sbab nak gi Limbang..
